Friday 14 March 2008

Friday in Glasgow

This time next week I'll be in Delhi for a couple of days on my way to Kathmandu and the hills. I'll be gone for a few months. The plan is to spend some weeks in Nepal - maybe repeating my 1994 Annapurna circuit trek, maybe trying something new like the Langtang & Helambu trek. I'll firm up the plan when I get to Kathmandu and see who wants to team up and whether or not I can track down Himal - the guide/porter Simon McK and I employed last time around.

I don't know how much blogging I'll be doing, but want to try it as a means of keeping in touch with folks. After Nepal, I intend to explore India a bit and maybe get down to Sri Lanka to do something useful there.

As is my usual style I've left a lot of the preparation till the last minute. Today I'm frantically trying to get Bank of Scotland to tie up some business matters before I go. Two days ago I went through to Edinburgh to apply for my India visa at the consulate there. I guess I've been conditioned to expect bureaucracy in India, and this visit reminded me of that. Anyway I got the visa in the end, and that's the main thing.

Emina will be looking after the flat here while I'm gone, and she left today for London and then for her Easter break in Belgrade. Yesterday I had an Indian meal at Ashoka in Glasgow with my nephew Douglas. He will be on hand (with some others) in case anything goes awry at the flat here. So I feel that the countdown has begun, and it's time to try this blogging lark.


Anonymous said...

Thrilled & fascinated to read news of your proposed trip Alan. Had no idea you were off on such an adventure. Hope you'll keep safe & well. Thanks for including us in your wide circle of friends & family who will be delighted to hear from you,whenever & wherever you have an opportunity to write, using amazing modern technology that reaches across the world these days. Cousin Diana, Bristol

Ken and Moira's travel blogs said...

Have a brilliant time Alan. Sounds like you just got your visa in the nick of time. How's your

alan'denise said...

Hi Alan,
Great idea and great guts to be doing this stuff at your age, ha,ha,!! May good fortune accompany you on your travels, we will be looking out for further updates. Bon Voyage!
Alan 'n Denise