Sunday, 23 March 2008

Mission accomplished

Well I've had my first garlic soup of the trip, and very fine it was too. Clearly I need some new challenges. Mind you it wasn't on the menu, but all I had to do was ask and it was provided (as long as what I wanted was "real Nepali garlic soup"). Perfick! I've met a couple of potential trekking partners - Björn from Sweden and Emilie from Quebec. Björn had a notice on the KGH board, and Emilie was reading at the same time as I was. We had dinner together last night at Pilgrim's bookstore and will be sussing each other out some more this evening when we attend a lecture by Chris Beall. He must have been doing this forever, 'cos I'm sure Mac and I met him last time!

By the way uploading these pictures has taken forever; so I might not be doing as much of that as I'd like. What you have here is my soup (of course), the buddha statue in the KGH garden, and a sample of the street scene just outside!


Unknown said...

Your photos & travel diary do 'transport' us there Alan; they are much appreciated by those of us less adventurous than you, so we are grateful that you find time to send them, including the bowl of garlic soup, (though not to our taste!) Instead, we are eating chocolate Easter eggs today - only thing you might miss! Oh, and the bitterly cold winds even in the south west. Take good care of yourself,

Elaine said...

I guess you should be renaming your blog link - you've found the garlic soup! Sneak some back would you, want to try it. Pics look good, a tad different here. Still cold, but crisp and quite sunny. Not a bad Easter Day. Happy Easter by the way. Glad to hear trekking mates being sussed, seems to be working out as you'd hoped so far...