Saturday 22 March 2008

Saturday in Kathmandu

Finally arrived here late last night & am installed at the Kathmandu Guest House. I'm pleased to see it seems to have remained unchanged in the 13.5 years since I was here last. As I did some more wandering in Delhi yesterday I finally gave in to one of the multitude of shoe-shine boys who obviously regarded my mountain boots as an appealing challenge. The lad did a good job but what I didn't bargain for was that I'd made myself a sitting duck for all sorts of other pests and beggars. The worst was someone who seemed intent on cleaning my ears. I am finally getting rid of my purple hue. It's surprising what a bit of inadvertent hand-shaking can lead to!
I've just had a fine breakfast at the KGH in the good company of some Irish and Canadian folks who have just come back from an Everest trek. The sun is shining and I'm off to explore.

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